I’m a math & theoretical computer science enthusiast who also enjoys software engineering and coding. In short, good analysis precedes good code. I started coding when I was 8, and flirted with BASIC, ObjectPal, NXT-G, JavaScript, Scheme, and Python before I met C/C++ through university coursework. (I also studied Java and ML/Haskell). My favorite activities are learning new things and deriving results by independent thought.

A note on math: In case ‘math’ inspires nightmares of zombie-like hordes of numbers and equations–I’m not a fan of mindless calculations either. That’s what computers are for. I like to joke that my kind of math doesn’t even use numbers, which is close to the truth. I enjoyed my undergraduate courses, which introduced me to logic, abstract algebra, multi-dimensional calculus, and differential geometry, all really cool stuff. But math goes way beyond the classroom. Math is a mode of thought. It’s a lens that reveals a rich, awe-inspiring, transcendent landscape embedded within the ordinary. Basically any system I can imagine gets sentenced to my mental lab where it’s dissected for structural analysis. “Boredom” is not in my vocabulary.

Away from the keyboard and whiteboard, I enjoy volunteering, practicing Taekwon Do, spending time with family, and socializing around the table, television, or campfire. (Yes, I do have some friends who put up with my eccentricities). I live in Columbia County, Oregon, under stately green trees and plentiful rain.

The journey begins...